Worthwhile Tech Podcasts

There are a lot of Tech podcasts out there. Unfortunately, if you’re browsing through iTunes or googling trying to find some, chances are many of the ones you discover will be old, with the last new podcast from two years ago. I don’t understand why they don’t have some better filtering in iTunes for this type of thing, but then again, iTunes doesn’t seem to be designed for the power user at all, especially with iTunes 11’s insanely bad search, but I digress.

Below is a list of some Cloud Computing, Marketing, Business, and PC Hardware/Tech blogs that I enjoy, and are updated on a fairly frequent basis (typically weekly). I’ll provide commentary on some, but not all.

These aren’t strict business podcasts, like, say, the Harvard Business Review’s IdeaCast, but more focused on the entrpreneur side of things, with an emphasis on solopreneurs or microprenuers.

Cloud Computing:
Cloud computing podcasts focusing on the latest news in the field. More SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS than you can shake a stick at. There’s sometimes a little more focus on Salesforce.com than I need, but I still find them interesting.

There are a lot of junk “marketing” podcasts out there. Many of them are really more focused on marketing to the people listening than providing worthwhile and interesting information. These all seem to be the latter.

Tech/PC Hardware:
And, finally, two podcasts focusing on gadgets and PC hardware. I don’t follow the market as much as I used to, but I still like to keep informed. They’re mainly focused on consumer hardware, but they do touch on the server hardware as well.

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